大阪>シカゴ('94)>シアトル('95~ ) シアトルの夜はグーグー眠る。シアトル在住というくくりだけで、Seattleit(シアトライト・シアトル人)とは呼ばれたくないです。勝手に命名:Nirvaneseと呼んでください。なぜならシアトルは全米で自殺率がトップクラスなんです。哲学者なんですよ、みなさん。なんて洗練された街なんでしょうか。曇りのち雨・お陽さんちょこっとのぼります。 カレンダー
Thermo Converter
(02/02) アーカイブ
2024.11.28 Thu 03:45:30
× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 2008.05.13 Tue 19:52:46
・苛立った女は濁った泉のようだ。 ・誰の言葉にも耳をかせ、口は誰のためにも開くな。―ハムレット― ================================= ♪ I'm going to get some plywood and cut them up into two by two piece squares・・・And thenI'm gonna collect some shells , I'm going to go to the beach and I'm gonna collect some shells and driftwood ♪ ================================= Mrs. Butterworth (Nirvana) Your life is shit Shit Your life is over Bull Your life is mine Cry Your life is hell Hell I'm gonna die Dying with you just I'm going to die To wear my libido I'm gonna try To find it with you just I'm gonna try Do what they say Your life is shit Shit Your life is strange And insane Your life is not the size of crap Your life is now Now I'm gonna die Dying with you just I'm going to hell Without my libido I'm gonna try To find it with you just I'm going to hell Without my libido I'm gonna die Dying with you just I'm going to hell Without my libido I'm gonna try To find it with you just I'm gonna die Do what they say Your life is shit "I'm gonna open myself up a flea market I'm gonna open myself up a flea market And you're gonna wish that you did And retire on the profits First off I'm gonna empty out all of my Mrs. Butterworth jars And I'm gonna put 'em on a shelf with my 800 dollar a month tax free Century 21 shop And then I am going to put my Mrs. Butterworth syrup jars on the shelf Next to all the commemorative fast food chain glasses and cups I've accumulated over the past 62 years Then I'm going to get some plywood I'm going to get some plywood and cut them up into two by two piece squares Then I'm going to get some burlap and I'm going to cut them into two by two piece squares and then I'm going to put them onto the pieces of plywood And then I'm going to go to the beach I'm going to go to the beach and I'm gonna collect some shells and driftwood And then I'm going to take the shells and driftwood and glue them onto the plywood and burlap And sell em for lots of money People will be paying top dollar for my kids new used new toys and clothing Then maybe someday I can get rid of that pissed stained matress I've been sleeping on..." PR